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KidsTeam UW partners with corporations, organizations, students, and faculty.

Organization & CorporationÂ
KidsTeam at
the University of Washington.Â
KidsTeam at the University of Washington works with kids aged 7-11 years old. KidsTeamUW meets every Tuesday and Thursday during the school year, and holds a week-long session during the summer. Each week KidsTeam will partner with different corporations and organizations, and students and faculty will hold their own research sessions with KidsTeam.

Seattle Public Library, 2015-Present
Partnership with Seattle Public Library (SPL)
SPL was interested in implementing different technology for youth programming. These were the different technology: FINCH robots, Little Bits, Tale Blazer, Mario Maker, E-textile. In KidsTeam UW the children co-designed with the librarian and the university students to design fun activities for youth programming.

Microbits, 2016-2017
Partnership with Microsoft
The technology brought by Microsoft was Microbits. Microbit is a small programmable computer. In the KidsTeam session, the technique of sticky notes were used to evaluate the technology by writing the likes, dislike and design ideas. The most interesting part from the design session was the children helped the adults improve the music feature interface.

Mario Maker & VR, 2015-2018
Partnership with Foundry 10
Foundry 10 is a non-profit organization which takes a philanthropic approach in understanding how people learn.Through our collaborative research, programs and projects, the organization address questions outside of traditional educational structures. Foundry 10 brought VR and Mario Maker in KidsTeam to understand how these technologies could be used to enhance learning.

Children and Museums, 2017-2018
Partnership with MOHAI (Museum of History and Industry)
MOHAI brought in different learning activities to ask children if they made sense and how to improve learning activities for the children visiting the museum.

Students & Faculty
Projects& Faculty

Block Studio, 2015-Present
Partnership with Rahul Banerjee
Block studio is one of the longest partner we had in KidsTeam UW. Block Studio is a program where children can code and design to create games or stories. In KidsTeam UW, the children helped the interface to the logistics of Block Studio and also ideas for tutorials.

Nature Collection, 2016-2018
Partnership with Katie Davis and Josh Lawler
The Nature Collection app seeks to engage children ages 7-12 in exploration of the natural world. It allows children to take pictures, curate, and identify what they have find. In KidsTeam UW, the children helped the researcher on gathering design ideas for the features of the app.

MHCI+D & HCDE, 2019-Present
Partnership with Jon Froelich and Michael Smith
The students in MHCID brought in different projects mostly environmental related and asked questions on what the children thought about their projects. The children also gave different ideas in improving the projects.

Creepy Technology, 2018-Present
Led by Jason Yip and Alexis Hiniker in partnership with Kiley Sobel, Xin Gao, Allison Hishikawa, Laura Meng, Alexis Lim, Justin Park, and
Romaine Ofiana.
Creepy is a word that lots of kids use to describe technology, but what does it really mean? And, why do kids describe technology as creepy? In these KidsTeam sessions we work together with the children to discover what creepy means for technology and kids.

Children and Health, 2016-Present
In partnership with Laura Pina, Shwetak Patel, and Jimi Huh.
Projects are focused on children and health around the topics of concussions, sleep, Spiro, eye tracking, and sun protection.

Earth Games, 2017-Present
Partnership with Dargan Frierson
KidsTeam partners with Dargan to work on mobile games related to environmental sustainability. These games help bring awareness to youth about challenges in our environment and how their actions can have an impact on the health of our ecosystem.

Children and New Users Interfaces, 2015-Present
Partnership with Alexis Hiniker, Lisa Anthony, Maya Cakmak, and Julie Kientz
Projects are focused around interactions involving voice activation and other other new user experiences. Topics like how children interact with an Alexa device are explored.

Directed Reading Group with KidsTeamUW.
Interested in being a part of KidsTeam UW? Join us for a summer Directed Reading Group (DRG). Activities of this research group will include interacting as an adult design partner with children in co-design, working with researchers on multiple projects involving children and design, and running overall logistics to support the intergenerational design team.
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